Natalie Ledwell Mind Movies Matrix

Natalie Ledwell Mind Movies Matrix


To accelerate the time it takes you to manifest something into your life, it’s best to combine Brainwave Entrainment & visualization.  As Natalie Ledwell says, Brainwave Entrainment + Visualization = Every cell in your mind finally working FOR you instead of AGAINST you.  This is what Mind Movies Matrix is all about.



Table Of Contents For Natalie Ledwell Mind Movies MatrixUltimate Success Masterclass


1.  What Is Mind Movies Matrix

2.  What’s Included In The Matrix
3.  Money & Time Needed + The Bonus
4.  Pros & Cons
5.  My Personal Review





Mind Movies Matrix is an all-in-one program.  It uses Brainwave Entrainment, Subliminal Technology & Visualization.  The Matrix guides your brainwaves into a more empowered, focused & productive state.  The technology they use keeps working on your subconscious mind throughout the day and night even when you’re not watching the Matrix Mind Movies. 


What’s so great about the Matrix?  Mind Movies Matrix supercharges your Creativity, Intuition, Manifesting Power and your Mind for peak productivity.  The brainwave entrainment & subliminal technologies dramatically enhance your results by guiding your brainwaves into a more focused, productive & empowered state.  It helps to guide your mind into states of otherwise unreachable awareness & empowerment.


Mind Movies Matrix Masterclass


Mind Movies Matrix covers the following four major areas of your life.  So you’re getting 4 different programs for success.

  WEALTH & ACHIEVEMENT:  Helps You To Attract Financial Success Into Your Life
  PERFECT PARTNER:  Helps You To Attract The Perfect Partner or To Increase Passion & Fulfillment In Your Current Partner
  WEIGHT LOSS & OPTIMAL HEALTH: To Help You Lose Weight & Get The Body You’ve Always Wanted
  RELATIONSHIPS:  Attract Relationships With Like Minded Positive People That Are Fun To Be With.  Not The People That Bring You Down.



What Is In Mind Movie Matrix





For each of the areas I named above you get:

  4 Brainwave Entrainment Matrix Mind Movies.  1 for each of the four major areas of your life.  These have Morry’s brainwave entrainment sounds, visuals and subconscious suggestions embedded into them.
  4 Subliminal Matrix Mind Movies.  1 for each of the 4 different areas.  Each one contains upbeat music and millions of powerful subliminal suggestions.  These are embedded in your subconscious.  They help to program you for the desired outcome you want.
  4 60-Minute Subliminal Audios.  Once again, for each area of your life.  These audios help boost your emotions, thoughts and manifesting power
  1 Soothing Sleep Meditation Audio.  This audio comes in both guided & unguided.   Not only does this help you to have a restful sleep, it but helps you to accumulate inspiration, energy, and purpose to achieve your goals all while you sleep.


If you’d rather hear from Natalie Ledwell & Morry what Mind Movies Matrix is all about, you can register for her FREE upcoming webinar.  Just click, Registration For Matrix Webinar.





If you don’t have a lot of spare time each day, the Matrix is great.  I strongly suggest working on just one area of your life at a time.  When I first started, I choose Wealth & Achievement.  Pick the one that’s most important in your life at present.


Time For Mind Movies Matrix

How Much Time Do You Need

First off, it’s best to start with just one area of your life.  You can do more than one, but I wouldn’t recommend it.


Let’s say you’re working on Wealth & Achievement.  You’ll have to watch 2 Matrix Mind Movies.  I usually watched one first thing in the morning & the other one after lunch.  They’re both 3 minutes each.  These movies should be viewed every day for maximum results.


Then there’s a 60 minute audio that you have to listen to.  The great thing about this is, you can have it playing even while you’re watching T.V.  This one isn’t mandatory to listen to every day.  I listened to mine at least 5 times a week.  That doesn’t mean you have to.  You might be busier than me & can only listen to it 4 days a week.  That’s okay.


Last of all is the sleep meditation which is 30 minutes.  This one doesn’t matter if you fall asleep while listening to it. You just have to remember to turn it on when you go to bed.


Price Of Mind Movies MatrixPrice Of Mind Movies Matrix

You have two options when it comes to buying Mind Movies Matrix.  You can make 1 payment of $297, or you can split the payments into 2 payments of $178.89.  By making 1 payment, you’re saving $60.78.  You also get 1-year money back guarantee.  This is about the only program I know of that gives you that long of a guarantee.


Bonus For Mind Movies Matrix


As with all the programs in Mind Movies, Mind Movies Matrix also has bonuses if you purchase it.  These bonuses do change from time to time, but right now this is what you’ll receive.


Subliminal Success AcceleratorSubliminal Success Accelerator

This is a 12-month mentorship program.  Every month you’ll receive life-sculpting tips, tools, training, live monthly coaching calls & subliminal audios by Morry Zelcovitch.


Mind Movies Matrix BonusMind Mastery World Summit

You’ll get online access to video recordings of one of the most respected and exclusive events in the field of personal growth. You’ll get video training which includes presentations from  Bob Doyle, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, T. Harv Eker & many more.




Before I tell you if it’s a scam or not, let me tell you how Mind Movies Matrix was produced.  First off, the company, Mind Movies has been around since 2007.


To produce the Matrix, Natalie Ledwell & Morry Zelcovitch spent a few years working on the program.  They engineered & tweaked the technology that they were using to the point of perfection.  During this time they also went back-and-forth between the programmers & audio engineers they had hired.  After the project was completed, they did studies, surveys & used the Matrix on focus groups from all walks of life.


Natalie Ledwell had hired Morry to work on the Matrix with her.  Morry Zelcovitch specializes in engineering specific sounds that regulate human brainwaves, & guide the mind.  To show you how qualified he is, the Brazilian government hired him to design a training curriculum for their police force.  He is the world’s first certified engineer in the field of brainwave entrainment.  On top of that, many of the world’s top corporations & governments seek him to help them create better performers & teams.


Is Mind Movies Matrix a scam?  Absolutely not.





Ultimate Success Masterclass Pros


  It doesn’t take a lot of time out of your day.  For the people who have a hectic schedule, this will work great for them
  It has a 1-year money back guarantee which is plenty of time to know if it’s going to work for you
  Contains Brainwave Entrainment by Morry Zelcovitch the worlds 1st certified engineer in the field of brainwave entrainment
  You get 4 different programs.  One for each of the main areas of your life.  Some programs charge you for each program you take
✯  It’s great for changing negative thoughts & feelings or insecurities that hold most people back or slow down their progress
✯  Keeps you motivated & focused
  Helps you to think clearly & come up with all sorts of ideas


Ultimate Success Masterclass ConsCONS

  The program is a bit expensive.  Keep in mind that it covers 4 areas of your life & not just 1 like most programs
  It’s only in English
  This isn’t a step-by-step program. If it’s a step-by-step program that you need, read the review I did on the Ultimate Success Masterclass 2.0.  If you’d rather hear from Natalie herself about the program, register for her FREE webinar.  Just click, Put Your Success On Auto-Pilot.

  Everything won’t just fall in your lap like magic.  You still have to take action every day working towards your goal
  You only get the Silent Subliminal Success Accelerator for 1 year.  After that, you have to pay 37.00 per month.  One year is plenty of time to see if it’s worth paying that much every month.  I didn’t get it.



Mind Movie Matrix Review



My Mind Movie Matrix Personal Review


Let me start by saying that I followed Mind Movies Matrix according to the instructions.  I did the 2 three minute videos 7 days a week.  The 60-minute audio I did at least 5 times a week.  Like with any other Law Of Attraction or Self Help program, it’s imperative to follow the program & not just do it once in a while.


The following is my results.  That doesn’t mean you’ll have the same results.  Some people might not need extra help to stay motivated, so it might not help them as much in that area as it did me.  What I’m trying to say is that everyone is different so the results can’t all be the same.


I set a goal & did the program for a little over 3 months to reach my goal.  After about a week of the program, I found myself feeling far more energized, inspired and happy.  I wasn’t getting all those ugly thoughts about I’ll never be able to do this.


It’s hard to explain why, but I’ve found myself more enthusiastic about getting out of bed in the morning and confident in approaching the day with positive energy and expectation of completing what I had planned for that day.  The great thing was, my procrastination was becoming less & less.


The most important thing was, it helped to keep me highly motivated.  When you’re motivated, all sorts of ideas seem to pop up in your head that will take you closer to your goal.


In conclusion, I would have to say that the visuals, subliminal messages & brainwave entrainment have helped to program my subconscious in a very positive way.  It definitely helped me reach my goal a lot faster.


Mind Movies Matrix Registration


Comments At What Is Mind Movies


If you’ve already taken, Mind Movies Matrix, let us know what you liked or didn’t like about the program.  If you have any questions, just leave them below.

Thanks for dropping by & reading my article on, Natalie Ledwell Mind Movies Matrix.

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